
The suffering of our planet and the general strife of the human race around the globe cries out for many more human beings to integrate their full awareness and rise above egocentrism and realize their true inner power for themselves and for the solution of the pressing problems that surround us.

Normal consciousness is a state of stupor, in which sensibility to the wholly real, and responsiveness to the stimuli of the spirit are reduced. The mystics, knowing that man is involved in a hidden history of the cosmos, endeavor to awaken from the drowsiness and apathy and to regain the state of wakefulness for their enchanted souls.” -Abraham Heschel (Rabbi Heschel was a Polish-American Jewish philosopher, and mystic. He was very engaged in the U.S. Civil Rights movement, including walking beside Dr. King in the Selma March.)

Oasis SpiritualCoaching addresses the spiritual hunger that many are experiencing but do not know where to find help. For a free consultation or to schedule an appointment Text 304-433-6651 or Email williamo56@comcast.net  Bill will respond quickly.

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